The Glow Animation Studio is an animation studio created by independent film production company Glow to work on its first feature film: Buñuel in the Labyrinth of the Turtles.
Although our initial goal was having the artistic and technical resources we needed for our own production, shortly after we started offering our services to other animation productions from all over the world.
Our most recent works include many international productions from countries such as Spain, Ireland, Mexico, USA, or Germany.
We specialize in the production and post-production stages; our teams are ready to tackle any project and meet any deadline.
Being both a production company and a studio allows us to be efficient and pragmatic, without sacrificing what makes us unique: quality and originality.
The Glow Animation Studio is located at LA FACTORÍA DE LA INNOVACIÓN within the Espacio Global de Emprendimiento de Almendralejo, in Extremadura (Spain). This small city, with a population of 35,000, offers an ideal environment to work in the animation field, while enjoying its quiet life and pleasant weather.
Our studio has all the necessary resources to produce animation projects from start to finish.
Our modern facilities, which include personal working spaces, offices, meeting rooms, training rooms, a recreational area, and a screening room, have been designed with the sole purpose of helping our staff to reach its full potential.
We have our own servers that manage workstations equipped with digital tablets and post-production gear, a complete setup dedicated to the development of 2D and 3D animation.